Are we there yet? Days 14 & 15

Posted by Chelsie on Wednesday, March 23, 2011. Filed under:

It's evident that I'm failing my little self-imposed get-up-earlier challenge. To be quite honest, I'm actually only getting worse at it as I near the end. When these 20 days are over, let's never speak of my laziness, constant whining and excuse making again. Deal? Deal.

Yesterday, I was 12 minutes late in getting up. However, in all fairness, I only got about three total hours of sleep. I was wide awake and out of bed from 2:24 until about 4:45. (I thought that maybe if I got up and did something, I'd get sleepy again. I didn't.) I wasn't back in bed for 30 minutes before KT's alarm started going off. And it went off every nine minutes until mine did at 6:15... Fun times!

This morning was not much different: ridiculously early wakeup (3:30), followed by inability to fall back asleep, and topped off by the hubby's unanswered alarm. 6:25 is just when I thought I was getting up. Do you see that snooze button there? I pushed it. Twice. It was 6:43 when I finally got out of bed. 

I suck at this.

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