Magnetic Chalkboard Project

Posted by Chelsie on Tuesday, August 30, 2011. Filed under:

For some time now, I've wanted a big piece of art to fill a blank wall in my kitchen. I perused art and poster sites at length but never could find the perfect piece in my price range. Then one day, I was struck with the perfect solution: a magnetic chalkboard! I could write my weekly menus on it. We could post the countless wedding, shower and birthday invitations we get. Hubby could leave me reminders about what he needs me to add to the grocery list. It was the perfect idea!

But then I started looking for one. I had no better luck than I did looking for a piece of art. The large ones were cost prohibitive. And even then, I couldn't find one big enough. So I decided to make my own.

I searched Craiglist for a frame and came across this 3'x3' piece for $20:

Before (as seen in Craigslist ad)
I brought it home and got to work!

Materials list:
Sheet metal
Spray paint
Primer (suitable for each surface you're working with - in my case wood and metal)
Chalkboard paint
Cup hooks
Extremely fine grit sandpaper

Remove existing hanging hardware and art from frame and set aside
Prime frame if necessary
Spray paint frame using several light coats to achieve a smooth and dripless finish
Finish with a high gloss lacquer if you want
Spray paint cup hooks at the same time if you want them to match the frame
Allow to dry for 24 - 48 hours

Have sheet metal cut to fit frame
Wet sand sheet metal
Rinse sheet metal and allow to dry
Apply multiple coats of primer to sheet metal until you achieve a uniform finish
Once primer is dry, apply multiple coats of chalkboard paint until you achieve a uniform finish
Allow to dry for 24 - 48 hours

Reassemble, mounting sheet metal in front of original artwork or cardboard backing (sheet metal is kind of thin so putting the original artwork or cardboard backing behind it will help hold it in place a little better)
Reattach hanging hardware
Install cup hooks across bottom of frame to hold keys, etc.
Prime chalkboard by rubbing a piece of chalk lengthwise across entire board and then erasing
Hang using heavy duty hanging hardware (sheet metal might be thin but it's heavy!)


Perfect size for the space!


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